Still in disbelief, “Mr. Millionaire” celebrates his $1 million VaxCash 2.0 grand prize.
$2 million in total prizes awarded throughout the promotion
The VaxCash 2.0 promotion culminated on May 3 when one winner was randomly selected from more than 2.2 million entries to win the $1 million grand prize. The lucky recipient of that prize, “Mr. Millionaire,” came to Lottery headquarters today with his fiancée to claim his prize.
The 57-year-old Baltimore City resident received a phone call on Tuesday from a representative at the Maryland Department of Health informing him of the win. He told Lottery officials he was skeptical, at first.
“I asked the man on the phone if he was serious,” “Mr. Millionaire said. “I had no words to say. I was in shock. I still have no words.”
The winner and his fiancée were both vaccinated, but unsure whether or not to get the booster. Then, Governor Hogan announced the VaxCash 2.0 promotion in February.
“Once the Governor spoke about this promotion, I knew it was time to get the booster,” “Mr. Millionaire’s” fiancé said. “I wanted to win that million-dollar prize.” The winner’s fiancée convinced him to get the booster, and the rest is history.
Although the winner and his fiancée have lots of ideas about what to do with the prize, they have decided to wait until the check arrives to make those decisions.
The VaxCash 2.0 Promotion awarded $2 million in total cash prizes in weekly drawings from Feb. 15 through May 3. The first drawing on Feb. 15 awarded a $500,000 prize to a Dundalk woman. Ten additional winners received $50,000. All Maryland residents 18 and older who had received an initial shot(s) and a booster shot of the COVID-19 vaccine at eligible facilities in Maryland at any time were eligible to win. No registration or entry was needed.
VaxCash 2.0 aimed to incentivize Marylanders to get COVID-19 booster shots. The promotion followed last year’s successful collaboration between the Lottery and MDH for the VaxCash Promotion. For complete details about VaxCash 2.0, including the official rules and a list of frequently asked questions, visit the VaxCash 2.0 page.