Robyn Mejia of Frederick celebrates her $50,000 Ca$h to Go! scratch-off win.
Takes home top prize on Ca$h to Go! instant ticket
Last month, when Robyn Mejia was having a rough week, her husband brought home a Ca$h to Go! scratch-off to try and lift her spirits. Not only did the purchase lift her spirits, it made their plan to buy a new house a reality.
“We have been saving money for a down payment on a house, thinking we would be ready by the end of the year,” said the 39-year-old mother of two. “But now, we don’t have to wait!”
Robyn scratched off the instant ticket on March 12, soon after her husband brought it home from 7-Eleven #28960 in Thurmont. They couldn’t believe their eyes when the $5 scratch-off revealed a $50,000 top prize.
“My husband took the ticket to the store to scan it, just to be sure it was real,” Robyn said. “We also asked my brother-in-law to come over and scan it on the Maryland Lottery app.”
The seasoned teacher, with 18 years of experience, kept the instant ticket in a safe until she was able to come to Baltimore to claim the prize during her school system’s spring break.
Robyn said they play Lottery games “maybe once a year.” Their lucky Lottery retailer, 7-Eleven #28960, also has reason to celebrate. The Frederick County business located at 11108 Angelberger Road in Thurmont earns a $500 bonus from the Lottery for selling a top-prize winning scratch-off of $50,000.