Frederick Lottery Novice a $50,000 Top-Prize Scratch-Off Winner

Possible home purchase in his future

A Frederick County Lottery player just experienced a classic case of beginner’s luck, claiming the biggest scratch-off prize of his life. The purchase of one Cash to Go instant ticket earned him a $50,000 top prize.

He purchased the $5 game at Giant Eagle located at 1275 West Patrick Street in Frederick. When asked about what made him decide to buy the Cash to Go instant ticket, the Frederick Lottery novice simply said it was the first one to catch his attention as he stood at the vending machine. After purchasing the game, he scratched it off in the store and revealed a piggybank symbol for the corresponding $50,000 prize.

After scanning his scratch-off to confirm his win, the player immediately phoned his mother to share the news. Plans for his prize include boosting his savings account and possibly purchasing a house. He’s currently self-employed and enjoys spending his free time watching and playing sports.

Giant Eagle has its own case of Lottery luck. The Frederick County business will collect a $500 bonus for selling a top-prize winning scratch-off worth $50,000.

Cash to Go went on sale in November 2024 with seven $50,000 top prizes and there are now four remaining along with smaller prizes ranging from $5 to $5,000.