Hopes to earn enough points through My Lottery Rewards to buy a computer
His primary Lottery focus, said the Bowie man, is earning points from non-winning scratch-offs for his My Lottery Rewards account. He plans to use the points to buy a computer through the Lottery’s Points for Prizes® Store. But his recent purchase of a $5 Hot 7s Tripler scratch-off led to something far better than points. The loyal player achieved his personal-best win of $50,000!
Excited as he was, upon claiming his prize this week at Lottery headquarters in Baltimore, the Prince George’s County resident’s message was clear: “I like to keep it quiet.” Winning $50,000, the anonymous winner said, “that just scared the heck out of me.”
Typically, the loyal player will purchase a few instant tickets and enter any non-winning scratch-offs into his My Lottery Rewards account. Over the years, he’s won second-chance cash prizes in the $100 to $500 range, the player said. One year, as part of a My Lottery Rewards promotion, he won a flat-screen TV.
The proceeds of his $50,000 scratch-off win will go toward repairs on the house where he lives with his mother, and help square up his finances. He and his mom also have a celebratory dinner in their future but no one else is likely to find out about his Lottery luck.
Also celebrating is the Forbes BP gas station at 9701 Annapolis Road in Lanham. The retailer, which sold the lucky scratch-off to our My Lottery Rewards fan, receives a $500 bonus from the Lottery for selling a $50,000 top-prize winning scratch-off.
The $5 Hot 7s Tripler game went on sale in May 2023 with eight top prizes; two remain. The game also has more than 380,000 other prizes ranging from $5 to $5,000.