A last-minute decision to play scratch-offs gave Timothy Johnston of Aberdeen a $50,000 win.
Harford County man turns leftover funds in vending machine into lucky purchase
An Aberdeen painter enjoyed a stroke of good luck on his way to work recently, revealing a $50,000 top prize on a Bonus Cash Doubler scratch-off. Timothy Johnston popped into an Aberdeen Lottery retailer that morning to play his Pick 3, Pick 4 and Pick 5 numbers and wound up with $11 left in the Lottery vending machine.
Timothy bought two of the $5 Bonus Cash Doubler scratch-offs and another $1 game. He returned to his vehicle, and took his dogs to a nearby park while he checked his games for a win.
The first $5 scratch-off yielded a $5 prize. Timothy got so distracted when he starting revealing the $50,000 prize on the second game that he almost didn’t realize one of the small dogs had wandered. He scooped them up and then phoned his wife, still in shock about his Lottery luck.
“I said, ‘Honey, you aren’t going to believe it. I won $50,000!” he recalled. Part of the prize will go toward a new dishwasher, he said, and they haven’t firmed up plans yet for the rest of the funds. The father of an adult son, Timothy spends his days working as a painter and pressure-washing professional.
His lucky Lottery retailer also benefits from the win. For selling a $50,000 top-prize winning scratch-off, Beards Hill Liquors at 951 A-D Beards Hill Road in Aberdeen receives a $500 bonus from the Lottery.
The Bonus Cash Doubler game went on sale in July with eight top prizes, four remain. This game also has prizes ranging from $5 to $5,000.