Baltimore Racetrax fan celebrates her $30,707 win at Lottery headquarters.
Wins $30,737 playing her favorite game
A self-described Racetrax fan told Lottery officials on Friday that her biggest-ever win was all about timing. Having won more than $30,000 after picking the exact right moment to switch an important part of her routine, she may just be an authority on the matter.
“I think I squeezed every little bit of winning out of them,” she told us, referring to her car’s license plates that had been the inspiration for her previous Racetrax numbers. “I’ve been using them for weeks and winning a lot, but the luck had been slowing down.”
Due to those declining results, she’d been thinking about changing numbers for a few days but had hesitated. “For some reason, it didn’t feel like the right time.” Until it did. August 5 was the day when “something” clicked for her. Keeping to the automobile theme, she decided to begin using her friend’s plate numbers. With her debut 20-game Superfecta wager of 7,8,4 and 9 played, she went home without fanfare.
The fanfare would come a few hours later.
“It was so crazy in my house when I saw the results on my Lottery app,” the Baltimore telemarketer told us who chose “Lucky Racetrax Winner” as her hidden identity. “I ran down the steps to show my husband. I think I even skipped a few.”
Along with our winner’s new favorite Racetrax numbers, she has a new favorite Lottery retailer. She purchased her $30,737 winner from the Royal Farms store at 6414 Windsor Mill Road. The Baltimore County business might just have a new favorite, as well. Selling the lucky ticket to our winner earned management there a $307.37 bonus.