Gaithersburg man wins Gold Rush 7s Multiplier game’s top prize
He has slowed down his Lottery play now that he’s no longer on the road every day, a recently retired Montgomery County man told Lottery officials. When working, he used to buy an instant ticket whenever he fueled up the truck. The Gaithersburg resident reports having had good luck but nothing like the luck that led him to a $100,000 top-prize win over the weekend.
“I hadn’t bought a ticket in a week, maybe two weeks,” the retiree said. “Walking around the neighborhood, I see no Lottery stores, so it never occurs to me to buy one.”
On Sunday, however, he and his daughter were out for a drive. “That’s when I saw the jackpot sign,” he explained. Just as it was Lottery signage that decided which gas station he would visit in his busier days, it was a Lottery sign that caused him to ask his daughter to stop at Check Cash Depot in Gaithersburg.
Our winner immediately recognized the Gold Rush 7s Multiplier scratch-off as a lucky game he used to play. The $10 instant ticket debuted in May with eight $100,000 top prizes, four of which remained in circulation. A few minutes later, that number dropped to three.
“I was in shock,” he said, when asked about the big moment. “I just stood there in the store staring at the ticket. I was frozen, I didn’t know what to do.” His daughter noticed her dad’s predicament and peeked over his shoulder. Seeing the line of zeros of the prize he was pointing to, she quickly hustled him to the door. They were home celebrating with the family within an hour.
Check Cash Depot, located at 107 East Diamond Avenue, will receive a $1,000 Lottery bonus for selling a top-prize winning scratch-off. Among the better than 500,000 cash prizes Gold Rush 7s Multiplier still has to offer are those three $100,000 top prizes and 18 $10,000 second-tier prizes.